Герасимов Артемий Терентьевич
Дата рождения: 1896

История солдата

In battles under Art. Panino, Kalin region, fought as a rifleman in the 914th Infantry Regiment in August 1943. @In fierce battles he showed courage and bravery. @In battles, he blew up enemy dugouts with grenades, thereby facilitating the speedy advancement of the unit in front. @He killed 4 Nazis and was slightly wounded. @In the battles for the village of Bershad, Vinnitsa region, on March 15, 1944, he fought as a gunner in the 5th Tank Division. @Acting together as part of tank units, rifle units contributed to the rapid advancement and destruction of enemy manpower and equipment. When the Germans were completely expelled and liberated, Bershad was again slightly wounded.

Регион Красноярский край
Воинское звание красноармеец
Населенный пункт: Дзержинский район
Годы службы 1942 1945
Дата рождения 1896

Боевой путь

Место призыва Дзержинский РВК, Красноярский край, Дзержинский р-н
Дата призыва 18.02.1942
Боевое подразделение 230-й армейский запасной стрелковый полк
Госпитали Эвакуационный Госпиталь 5036 (14/11/1942), Эвакуационный Госпиталь 4495 (18/05/1944)

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